Conference & Demo Event
Droneport, Belgium
The SAFIR-MED project partners are proud to organise a show case event around medical air mobility including a half-day Conference and flight demonstrations. This remarkable event will bring together the medical and aviation sectors at the Droneport test center in Sint Truiden, Belgium on 7/04/22 afternoon, between 12.00 - 18.00 CET.
12:00-13:00 Arrivals and Lunch / Visiting partner booths
13:00-13:10 Welcome
Agenda overview, Mikael Shamim (Helicus)[View video]
13:10-13:40 Impact of U-space on cities
Social Embracement as a Driving Factor of the Successful Implementation of UAM in European Cities, Julian Maßau (City of Aachen) [View ppt][View video]
How to evaluate the UAM impact on a city via a framework of UAM Smart City Indicators, Anastasia Bafouni-Kotta (Future Needs Management Consulting) [View ppt][View video]
Sustainable Business Models for (AAM) Advanced Air Mobility, Afroditi Sakellaropoulou (Hellenic U-Space Institute) [View ppt][View video]
13:40-14:30 Technologies developed in SAFIR-Med
SAFIR-Med architecture and objectives, Mikael Shamim (Helicus) [View ppt][View video]
Safety Critical Missions & Aviation Grade Systems for advanced air mobility, Greet Ilegems (SABCA) [View ppt][View video]
Low level air traffic detection, Tristan David (INVOLI) [View ppt][View video]
Safe UAS operation in ad-hoc medical services, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Moormann (RWTH Aachen University) [View ppt][View video]
Tactical Detect and Avoid within a restricted airspace, Dennis van Wijngaarden (Delft University of Technology) [View ppt][View video]
14:30-14:50 Coffee Break / Visiting partner booths
14:50-15:50 Introducing the use cases of SAFIR-Med
Role of the ANSP handling drone operations in U-space, Luc Antoon (skeyes) [View ppt][View video]
Objectives per domains: ops, safety and data provision, Tom Snyers (SkeyDrone) [View ppt][View video]
Concrete actions through involvement in VLD and coordination with CAA, Geert Vanhandenhove (Helicus) [View ppt][View video]
Medical Validation of Drone Transport, Dr. Steven Weekx (GZA Hospitals) [View video]
The application of Ehang drones in the medical field, Akash Mishra (Ehang) [View ppt][View video]
Announcement of SAFIR-Med Events in Antwerp & Aachen, Mikael Shamim (Helicus), Julian Maßau (City of Aachen) [View video]
15:50-16:20 Coffee Break / Visiting partner booths
16:20-17:20 Demonstration flights / Social drink
The aim of the event is to demonstrate how the SAFIR-Med project advances the state-of-the-art in European U-space achieving safe, sustainable, socially accepted and socially beneficial urban air mobility. With the impulse from COVID-19 and EU drone legislation, the landscape is changing in favour of medical drones. This will showcase how is our society getting closer to bringing medical UAM to cities and their citizens. We will present and demonstrate various medical use cases, as well as a set of UAM indicators we developed that enable UAM impact assessment and finally several new technologies developed in the project. The trial flights will demonstrate the transport of human tissue and/or biological lab samples and medicine, an operation with a drone carrying an automated external defibrillator, and a patient transport operation.
The attendants of this closed (on invitation only) event will experience the drone world at first hand, witness the future integration of drones into wider air traffic and provide your feedback. You will have the opportunity to find out about what is going on within the EU, from authorities, leading aviation and medical actors.
All sessions will be recorded and made a available online alongside the Speakers presentations after the event. Do not hesitate to contact us in case of interest in the event (Admission on invitation only).
Preparing the UAMexplained panel meeting
Mr. Luc Antoon
UTM Manager at skeyes
Luc Antoon was an active French military Officer ATCO from 1988 to 2006, from working positions to head of ATC Unit (TWR and APP), in several Airbases, different types of traffic including military drones. He worked implementing the safety management system within French Ministry of Defence’s ATC units and was Deputy of the International Affairs Office within the State Aviation Safety Directorate. He worked on international air regulation evolution in Europe within FABEC and EUROCONTROL. Appointed in 2011 within the Joint military staff, Luc was Deputy of joint crisis cell acting on the national territory in an inter-ministerial context. From 2015 to 2018, he was Sub-Director Airspace within the French military ATM Directorate dealing with regulation, usage and management of airspaces and integration of military drones within French airspace in coordination with civil authorities. Coming from NATO Headquarter, he is now UTM Manager, working for skeyes since October 2019.
This page is going to be updated with more information regarding the event. All sessions will be recorded and made a available online alongside the Speakers presentations after the event. Stay tuned!
Mrs. Anastasia Bafouni-Kotta
Researcher in Transport at Future Needs
Anastasia Bafouni-Kotta holds a diploma in Mechanical and Aeronautics Engineering from University of Patras and is currently finishing her master’s in Business Administration. She got involved with urban air mobility and logistics during her master studies and she has been researching consumer’s attitudes towards drone delivery services in the city of Lisbon as part of her master thesis. She joined Future Needs as a researcher in transport and she is currently working as a project manager and researcher in UAM-related projects.
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Mr. Tristan David
Business Development Manager at INVOLI
Tristan DAVID is the Business development manager of INVOLI, the Swiss based expert in low level air traffic detection. Graduated with a Business school master diploma, Tristan oriented his career toward the development of the business aspects of international technological projects involving a great variety of stakeholders. Among others, he supported the development of environmental solutions derived from marine technologies at Naval Group and led projects to expand the military aircraft training service portfolio provided by Airbus Defense & Space to European Air forces. Tristan is now supporting INVOLI in providing to U-Space service providers the means to unlock the full potential of their U-space airspace. Thanks to its air traffic receivers, drone trackers and data, INVOLI provides the still missing low level air traffic to ensure the safety of both open and specific categories drone operations.
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Mrs. Greet Ilegems
Head of Programs of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Sabca
Greet Ilegems is the program manager of the Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) business unit of Sabca, where she is leading several research and demonstrator projects on integrated UAS solutions. As a spin off from the aerospace group Sabca, Sabca-UAS is specialised in designing, integrating and operating unmanned aerial systems. They step in when aviation grade drone solutions are required, and missions have to be performed in safety critical conditions. From 2009 to 2018 she worked for Siemens, as key account manager of one of its biggest clients. She holds a MSc in mechanical engineering, accomplished with distinction at KU Leuven.
This page is going to be updated with more information regarding the event. All sessions will be recorded and made a available online alongside the Speakers presentations after the event. Stay tuned!
Mr. Julian Maßau
Project Manager for Urban Air Mobility at the City of Aachen
Julian Maßau is a project manager for Urban Air Mobility at the City of Aachen. He coordinates several projects regarding the development of air taxis and medical applications of drones, focussing on the acceptance Urban Air Mobility technologies among the citizens of Aachen by means of participation. In this work, he draws upon his university degree in Digital Media Communication, where he focussed on knowledge transfer between experts and laymen. During his work for the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, he was able to further develop his skills in this area before now supporting the City of Aachen.
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Mr. Akash Mishra
Project Manager at Ehang
Akash Mishra is Chef de Projet at Ehang, responsible for Flight Permits and Drone operations.He has
completed his Masters in Unmanned Aircraft Systems Services and Management from ENAC, Toulouse.
As an Information Science and Engineer, he has established a ondemand logistics company in the past and was one of the initial employees for Uber Bangalore.
This page is going to be updated with more information regarding the event. All sessions will be recorded and made a available online alongside the Speakers presentations after the event. Stay tuned!
Prof. Dr. - Ing. Dieter Moorman
Head of Institute of Flight System Dynamics at RWTH Aachen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Moormann is heading the Institute of Flight System Dynamics at RWTH Aachen University since 2010. His research is focussed on Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and Aerial Taxis, including automated parcel delivery (e.g. DHL Parcelcopter), support of rescue forces (e.g. Larus, Flying Eye for Rescue Forces), aerial and ground vehicle interaction (e.g. Realize, Gabriel) and Aerial Taxis (Silent Air Taxi, Dubai AATS). He serves as advisor on UAS safety to the Federal German Ministry of Transport BMDV. From 2001 to 2009 he worked at AIRBUS in Flight Dynamics and Controls of Eurofighter and as team leader Autopilot Design and later as Chief Engineer of the unmanned technology systems demonstrator Barracuda. From 1994 to 2001 he did research at the German Aerospace Research Center DLR on Robust Flight Control and Rapid Control Prototyping.
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Mrs. Afroditi Sakellaropoulou
LLM Law and Legal Practice & BA Human Rights and History at H.U.S.I.
Afrodite Sakellaropoulou has amassed extensive experience in researching and producing material, project development and workshop delivery; both as part of a team and in managerial positions. Throughout her career, she has approached and excelled in various sectors, namely legal work, project management and delivery, social care, education and hospitality. Since these projects at times ran simultaneously, in addition to becoming skilled in building strong relationships with clients and colleagues, she is an expert in managing a heavy workload and producing deliverables in excellent time. Additionally, she holds a first-class degree in Human Rights and History, as well as an LLM in Law and Legal Practice, through which she has become accomplished in research. She is able to quickly and easily adapt to new environments and widen my knowledge of any field; ensuring that her clients and colleagues receive the best possible assistance when she is involved.
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Mr. Mikael Shamim
SAFIR-Med project coordinator, CEO at Helicus
Mikael Shamim has a healthcare general management background that he combined with his aviation passion. Having spent his youth sailing (navigating) the world, Mikael realized an old dream and obtained his Private Pilot Licence (PPL-A). He flies Piper Warrior III and Robin DR400 at the Royal Antwerp Aviation Club. Joining the age of (aerial) robotisation, he obtained his class 1 drone pilot license (RPL-R / EASA A2). Evolutionary requirements of the medical sector make it increasingly challenging to ensure democratic access to high quality care. As medical practices evolve, cost levels tend to rise, requiring logistical optimization to remain affordable. As part of a first generation of drone aviation pioneers, Mikael advocates EU level collaboration to develop effective and affordable drone-based transport solutions. This is reflected trough the open HAI ecosystem (“Helicus Aero Initiative”) that creates and drives projects like SAFIR-MED towards enabling safe and societal beneficial aerial solutions.
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Mr. Tom Snyers
UTM Product Manager at skeydrone
Tom Snyers has a masters degree in software engineering and artificial intelligence. He started his career in 2003 at skeyes, the Belgian ANSP, where he worked on several Air Traffic Management solutions. Since 2014 he shifted his attention towards European projects related to innovative concepts such as Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) systems. In 2020 Tom joined SkeyDrone in the role of UTM Product Manager. Since then he has been responsible for the realisation of several innovative UAS related applications in Belgium such as the Drone Service Application (DSA) used by skeyes and Belgian Defence to manage their Geo Zones. As UTM Product Manager he is shaping SkeyDrone's solution suite, that will enable SkeyDrone to fulfill its role as USSP in the near future.
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Mr. Geert Vanhandenhove
Manager Flight Operations at Helicus
Geert Vanhandenhove is Helicus Flight Operation Manager, and is at the source of company and flight procedures, documentation and training material, for complex multi-crew BVLOS medical UA operations in populated environment in line with EU UA regulations. Before co-founding Helicus, Geert built a strong career in Medical IT management positions. As member of the board of Royal Antwerp Aviation Club, Geert is the representative of its Declared Training Organisation and is a Ground Instructor for Private Pilots. Geert holds a BSc in Applied Communications and is a licensed Private Pilot for manned aviation as well as for unmanned aircraft.
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Mr. Dennis van Wijngaarden
Researcher at the Micro Air Vehicle laboratory of TU Delft
Dennis van Wijngaarden is a researcher working at the Micro Air Vehicle laboratory (MAVLab) of the Delft University of Technology. He has a bachelor and master’s degree in aerospace engineering and started his career as researcher after graduating in 2019. For his master thesis, Dennis developed a state-of-the-art Conflict Detection and Resolution method that could be applied on drones. The method ensures that a conflict resolution for a drone can be found within an airspace that is restricted horizontally. As a student and researcher, Dennis was involved in muliple projects and competitions in which he gained pratical experience with drones.
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Dr. Steven Weekx
Clinical Biologist at GZA Hospital Group
Steven Weekx graduated as Doctor in Medical Sciences in 1999. Since then, he has been working as a clinical biologist, specialized in haematology, flow cytometry and quality, in the clinical lab of the Antwerp hospital group GasthuisZusters Antwerpen, where he is also co-chairman of the Transfusion Comitée. Since 2022 he took up the function of department head. Next to his role in the clinical lab, he is a visiting professor at the department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Antwerp and a jury member of the examination board of the department Healthcare of the AP Hogeschool Antwerpen. Dr. Weekx is an active member of international and national associations for clinical biology, haematology, and flow cytometry. He participated in over 60 publications and cooperated with Helicus to perform a medical validation study investigating the impact of drone transport on sample quality.
This page is going to be updated with more information regarding the event. All sessions will be recorded and made a available online alongside the Speakers presentations after the event. Stay tuned!